Monday, December 15, 2008

POST#2 Making a pyramid not to easy!!

The great pyramids were said to be built by using ramps to pull the 2,300,00 huge stone blocks up into place omg that must have been some hard times for them. Of corse this took a long time people have said it took from 20 to 30 years to build just oe great pyramid WOW!! When egypians built a new pyramid this was a big ceremoy.And of corse there was a reason to build these great master pieces! pyramids were often built to house and burry there awsome pharaohs!


  1. Man that is a lot of blocks! and 20-30 years is a lot! So that you don't get counted off 4 spelling-
    corse- course
    oe- one
    egypians- egyptians
    master pieces- one word

  2. Man that is a lot of blocks! and 20-30 years is a lot! so that you don't get counted off 4 spelling-

    corse- course
    master pieces- one word
